Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What is a accomplishment to you?

Is it running across the finish line after a 5K?
Or that feeling of relief once you checked everything off of your "to do list"?

...Or how about the gratitude you get when your mother tells you how proud she is of you?

Well that's what happened to me. 

"May 19th, 2012 I graduated from Burlington County College."
My mother and I haven't always had your typical "mother-daughter" relationship.  She wasn't my best friend, my advice-giver, nor my inspiration at any time.  However, when I graduated from college, a moment of disbelieve occured to me. My mother told me she was proud of me.  Not because of what I had accomplished or what I will be doing with my life, but because of who I am.  That was the second time I have ever heard her say that.  The other time it came up was during a fight and seemed less then meaningful and only a way of ending the argument. 

Inside, that's all I ever really wanted.  I wanted closer.  No matter how much at times I resistanted her, deep down, I just wanted to know that I ment something to her. ...and I did.  That day, I did more then just graduate.
I made an accomplishment.

Friday, May 11, 2012

A gift from BCC

There are critical moments in our lives where we face a crossroad, and have to decide of what path we want to take, but when most of us are faced with this decision we go back, scared of the unknown.  When I started at Burlington County College, (BCC), I was lost, literally and figuratively.  I didn’t know what I wanted out of life or what direction I was headed.  More importantly, I didn’t seize my opportunities or care for that matter.  However, BCC changed all that. 

 In past posts I told you all how much I love Burlington County College, but I never really told you why.  While most people I know view Burlington County College as your “typical community college”, to me it is where I grew, where I spent most of my days, and where I found myself in my best form. 

BCC brings something more to the table, and that is its willingness to connect with its students on a more personal level, and the diversity that comes along with it.  It is the community of the campus that is formed and pieced together to make what I would like to call a family.  A family of creators, inventors, motivators, leaders, and so much more

 While attending BCC I learned much more than any “normal” college could provide.  I learned more than what you would find in a classroom, and I didn’t just learn from the professors, I learned from the students around me as well, because to me, we are the real teachers.  From each staff member, peer, and professor I have encountered, they have taught more of the simple things in life that I was unable to figure out before.  I have learned to be patient, stay focused, laugh more and cry less, but most of all be yourself, because I am the only person who can get me where I want to be.  Now if that isn’t diversity, I am not sure what is.

Although I am graduating and transferring to the University of Tampa, I will always hold a special place in my heart for BCC, because I have gained much more than an Associate’s degree. I have gained valuable life lessons that I will take with me on my future endeavors, something that no other college can provide.

Oh, and that crossroad that I encountered, I didn’t turn away from the unknown, I faced it.  
And because of that I am still the same person, just a better version of me.  

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