Friday, May 11, 2012

A gift from BCC

There are critical moments in our lives where we face a crossroad, and have to decide of what path we want to take, but when most of us are faced with this decision we go back, scared of the unknown.  When I started at Burlington County College, (BCC), I was lost, literally and figuratively.  I didn’t know what I wanted out of life or what direction I was headed.  More importantly, I didn’t seize my opportunities or care for that matter.  However, BCC changed all that. 

 In past posts I told you all how much I love Burlington County College, but I never really told you why.  While most people I know view Burlington County College as your “typical community college”, to me it is where I grew, where I spent most of my days, and where I found myself in my best form. 

BCC brings something more to the table, and that is its willingness to connect with its students on a more personal level, and the diversity that comes along with it.  It is the community of the campus that is formed and pieced together to make what I would like to call a family.  A family of creators, inventors, motivators, leaders, and so much more

 While attending BCC I learned much more than any “normal” college could provide.  I learned more than what you would find in a classroom, and I didn’t just learn from the professors, I learned from the students around me as well, because to me, we are the real teachers.  From each staff member, peer, and professor I have encountered, they have taught more of the simple things in life that I was unable to figure out before.  I have learned to be patient, stay focused, laugh more and cry less, but most of all be yourself, because I am the only person who can get me where I want to be.  Now if that isn’t diversity, I am not sure what is.

Although I am graduating and transferring to the University of Tampa, I will always hold a special place in my heart for BCC, because I have gained much more than an Associate’s degree. I have gained valuable life lessons that I will take with me on my future endeavors, something that no other college can provide.

Oh, and that crossroad that I encountered, I didn’t turn away from the unknown, I faced it.  
And because of that I am still the same person, just a better version of me.  

Scholarship by Century Link Quote

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